Jaffa Gate Tower

Jaffa Gate Tower

View looking south at the massive tower located just inside (east) of Jaffa Gate.

Note the three portions of the tower. The lower portion is on an incline – rising out of a dry moat. The upper portion (the portion with the windows) is from the days of Suleiman the Magnificent. The middle portion – in the center of the image just below the windows is probably Herodian.

According to the Jewish historian Josephus, Herod the Great (37-4 B.C.) built three towers in this area. This middle portion is probably a remnant of one of the towers – either that of Hippicus or Phasael (named respectively after a friend and a brother of Herod).

The Jaffa Gate itself is about 200 ft. [180 m.] to the right (west) of this spot.

This image courtesy of Jerry Hawkes.