Synagogue Pillar Front Top

Synagogue Pillar Front Top

There are about 121 names on this front side of the marble block.  This main list is divided into two.  This top portion of the inscription has the names of men who have distinctly Biblical names or names favored by Jews, such as Benjamin, Judas, Joseph, Jacob, Samuel, Zachary, and names such as Amantios (loving), Eusabatios (the good Sabbath).  (from the description in the Aphrodisias' Museum)

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This 9 ft. tall marble block was found during the construction of the Aphrodisias Museum.  It is engraved on two sides.  It is a list of over 120 donors to a synagogue and is composed of three categories of names—all males: Jews, recent converts to Judaism (proselytes), and unconverted members of the synagogue community ("godfearers;" theosebeis).  It evidently dates to ca. AD 350–500) and probably served as a doorpost in a synagogue.

Chaniotis, Angelos. “Godfearers in the City of Love.” Biblical Archaeology Review 36, no. 3 (May/June 2010): 32–44, 77.