Refectory Wall Painting 2

Refectory Wall Painting 2

A picture of one of the preserved wall paintings from the 13th century.  This appears to be a painting representing some of the Ecumenical Councils.  Noted all the robed clergy and the written texts—from the councils?

Above the arch, to the right, appears to be the grave clothes of the risen Christ that were left in the tomb.  Even the head cloth is there.

In the lower right is a part of the simandron, or nakos, that was struck to call the monks to dinner.

The Refectory (dining hall) of the Monastery of Saint John is where the monks used to have their meals together during their period of communal living.  It was one of the first buildings of the monastery and was completed in 1091!  It is a 54 x 21 feet rectangular structure.