

View looking west at a model of the Temple of Zeus and surrounding structures.

The Temple of Zeus is located on the right (north) side of the image.  The long (135 ft. [41 m.]) low white structure in front of it is the altar of Zeus were evidently athletes and officials of the Nemean Games would offer their sacrifices.

To the left (south) of a group of trees is a series of nine buildings called oikoi (oikoi is the plural of a Greek word oikos that means “house”).  There are only meager remains of these structures and their functions are difficult to determine.  They may have been “treasuries” (buildings that contain offerings from various cities) and/or storage, meeting, or dining rooms.

On the far left (south) of the picture, the longest building was a xenon — a hostel for those participating in and/or attending the Nemean Games.  During the fifth and sixth centuries A.D. a Christian Basilica was built over the xenon.

Above the xenon (west) is another building, this was a bathhouse that dated to the fourth century B.C.

This model is in the wonderful museum that is located at the ancient site of Nemea.

For a general description of Nemea and a map Click Here.