St. Peter’s Church Interior

St. Peter’s Church Interior

View looking east at the interior of St. Peter’s Church—called “Senpiyer Kilisesi” in Turkish.  This is the large room-sized cave where Christians have worshiped since the fourth or fifth centuries A.D.

View looking east at the modern altar at the east wall of the Church of St. Peter.  Behind the altar is a “bishop’s chair.”

To the right of the altar, at ground level, is a basin that collects dripping water—that is sometimes used for baptisms.  To the left of the altar is a small "cave."  It is said that an opening in the top leads to a passageway for escape during times of persecution.

The church commemorates Peter’s presence in Antioch as well as that of Luke—Paul’s traveling companion who was said to have been from Antioch.  It is still used by local Christians.