Drinking Mosaic Detail

Drinking Mosaic Detail

A detailed view of the "Acratos and Euprosyne" Mosaic Floor that was found in the Villa of the Maenad—in the room next to the Gypsy Girl Mosaic.

The name "Acratos," the male figure on the left, is spelled out in Greek and means "ruler - Narrator."  The reclining figure on the right, reclining under a tree, is the nymph Euprosynes/ Euphrosyne whose name means "joyful or good cheer."  She was one of the three "Graces/Charites."  She is usually depicted with her sisters dancing—see Here.

The golden crater on the left is the divine fountain from which Acratos draws the wine before pouring it into the goblet of Euprosyne.  Notice that the couches that they reline upon appear to be resting on floor level.

The picture is framed in a guilloche pattern and that is surrounded by a meander one.

Given the theme of the mosaic, possibly this was a room where guests were entertained.