Zodiac 2

Zodiac 2

The complete Zodiac is visible within the outer wheel.

In the lower right corner, outside of the circle, is a (female) representation of the season "spring."  The Hebrew inscription reads "season of Nisan"—a month about equivalent to April.  Among the symbols represented to the right of the woman is a basket and a sickle (a grain harvesting implement).  Above it on the right is a representation of summer, in the upper portion fall, and in the left portion, a bundled-up woman representing winter!

Within the circle are the twelve signs of the zodiac—moving in a counterclockwise direction.  Just above the head of the woman representing "spring" is the portion where Taurus the bull appears (labeled in Hebrew).  To the right of that is Gemini the twins, above that Cancer, the crab, etc.

For detailed comments on the central portion of the mosaic Click Here.

For a brief description of the synagogue at Sepphoris Click Here.