Large Amulet

Large Amulet

This amulet is one of two that were discovered during the excavations of an Iron Age repository in the Tombs of Ketef Hinnom.  It was incised with a sharp thin stylus.

The lower part of the inscription has been identified as a version of Numbers 6:24-26:  "The Lord bless you and protect you.  The Lord deal kindly and graciously with you.  The Lord bestow his favor upon you and grant you peace" — the Priestly blessing.

This larger amulet reads:

"[...] YHW ... the grea[t ... who keeps] the covenant and [G]raciousness toward those who love [him] and those who keep [his commandments ...] the Eternal [...] [the?] blessing more than any [sna]re and more than Evil.  For redemption is in him.  For YHWH is our restorer [and] rock.  May YHWH bles[s] you and [may he keep you.  [May] YHWH make [his face] shine ..."  From the descriptive sign by the amulets in the Israel Museum.