Ephesian Artemis Side View

Ephesian Artemis Side View

This larger-than-life-size marble statue of Artemis was found at Caesarea.  It is about 5 ft. 2 in. high and dates to the second century A.D.—the Late Roman Period.  It may have been crafted somewhere in Asia Minor and shipped to Caesarea during the reign of Hadrian (117–138).

Artemis' dress is adorned with winged goddesses, lions, bees, and mythological figures.  Around her chest are 43 "breasts," or bull testicles, symbolizing fertility.

This particular representation of Ephesus is found throughout the Roman World.  It emphasizes her role as the goddess of birth, midwives, nature, and fertility.  For other examples see Here and Here.

There are also many statues of Artemis represented as the goddess of the hunt where she is dressed in a short garment and carries a bow and quiver and animals (dogs?) are at her feet.  See Here and Here for examples.