Idrimi Statue

Idrimi Statue

The statue of the idrimi, king of Alalakh, seated on his throne that was discovered by Sir Leonard Woolley in the spring of 1939 in Level V of his excavations at Atchana.

Idrimi was the founder of the kingdom of Mukish and ruled as a vassal to the kingdom of Mitanni during the 15th (or 16th) century B.C.

The statue is on display in the British Museum.

A translation of the 101 line text can be found in:  Oppenheim, A. Leo.  "The Story of Idrimi, King of Alalakh." Pages 557–58 in The Ancient Near East Supplementary Texts and Pictures Relating to the Old Testament. Edited by Pritchard, James B. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 1969.