Funerary Monuments 1

Funerary Monuments 1

View looking northwest at two of the most prominent funerary monuments from Xanthos.  The square pillar one on the right is called the “Harpy Tomb” it stands to a height of 25 ft. [7.6 m.].  

For a detail of the freeze on the top portion of the Harpy Tomb and a more complete description of it Click Here.

On the left is the Lycian sarcophagus that is mounted on the top of upright slabs of stone.  The stone sarcophagus in some ways resembles the rock cut tombs from Myra and elsewhere.  The date of this tomb is disputed, but a third century B.C. date seems most probable.

In the lower portion of the image the upper seats of the cavea of the theater are visible.