

View of a Christian object on the grounds of the archaeological museum in Konya.

In the center note the laurel wreath that surrounds an anchor in the shape of a cross with two fish at its base.  Below it is a depiction of Jonah being swallowed by a large fish—a Christian symbol associated with the resurrection of Jesus (Matthew 12:40).

Dr. Mark Wilson translates the inscription along the upper rim as  "... erected this for Mithios and Paul, his uncles, in memory."  The one below Jonah and the fish he translates as "Great fish and Jonah."

Wilson states that this object was found in Beysehir, ancient Mistea.  He calls it a "sarcophagus" but from my pictures it does not look like it was hollowed out to hold bodies.

The above information and translations are from Dr. Mark Wilson's book Biblical Turkey — A Guide to the Jewish and Christian Sites of Asia Minor, p. 169. This 398-page book is filled with Wilson's descriptions and insights on numerous biblical and extra biblical sites in Turkey.