Noah's Ark Mosaic


This mosaic was found at ancient Mopsuestia/Misis which is located on the Ceyhan River,16 miles east of Adana on the Cilician Plain.

It depicts "Noah's Ark" in the center with animals associated with the ark surrounding it.  The "Ark" is labeled, in Greek, as a kibotos—"a container for carrying commercial goods on a caravan." (Wilson. 59)  The Wiki article indicates that it was found at the Misis Tumulus on the floor of a 4-th century temple [church?].

Misis Mosaic Museum. (2020, December 15). In Wikipedia.

Mark Wilson, Biblical Twi — A Guide to the Jewish and Christian Sites of Asia Minor.  Updated and Revised.  Istanbul: Yayinlari, 2020, p. 59.