Royal Family Relief 2

Royal Family Relief 2

View of the final two orthostats in a series of four orthostats from Carchemish.  The interpretations of the reliefs and the short inscription are from a sign in the museum.

The basalt orthostat on the left has eight figures—children of the king.  In the upper register, three figures carry knuckle bones (like dice) in their hands and a naked, small figure walks behind them with the support of a stick on the top of which is a bird.  In the lower register, two seated figures on the left are playing a game of knucklebones on the stool between them.  The two standing figures on the left are playing with tops and holding pieces of wood with strings attached to them to spin the tops.

The inscriptions above the heads of the figures are the names of the children of the king.

The basalt orthostat on the right portays the queen carrying her youngest son in one arm while holding the rope of an animal that follows behind her.  The muscles of the colt are displayed in a shematic manner.

The Luwian inscription reads:  and this (is) Tuwarsais, the desired(?) (one) of the ruler. the prince proclaimed for preeminence."

The orthostats date to the Neo-Hittite Period (ca. 900-717 BC).