Map of Diolkos

Map of Diolkos

View of a north oriented map plotting the known and assumed course of the ancient diolkos.

The ancient course is marked in a heavy black curved dashed–line, while the modern canal is a straight thin horizontal dashed-line running from the Saronic Gulf to the Corinthian Gulf.

Note how the ancient diolkos avoided the low hills in the area—to avoid the struggle of pulling the ships and cargo up hill and avoiding the hassle of trying to "break" them on the descent from these hills.

The usually visited portion of the diolkos is located by the "U" in the word "GULF" on the left (west) side of the image—south of the canal.  The letter "A" marks the area on the Greek army base, north of the modern canal, where the well–preserved 500 ft. [150 m.] portion is located.

Map provided on our visit to the Army Base—used with permission.

For a brief description of the diolkos Click Here.