As you look for sites within "Israel" please note the following with regard to geographical regions:
NORTH = the area including and north of the Jezreel and Harod Valleys. Regions included are: the Golan Heights; Huleh Valley; Upper Galilee; Plain of Acco; Lower Galilee; Sea of Galilee; Jezreel Valley and the Harod Valley.
CENTRAL = the area south of the Jezreel and Harod Valleys, but north of a line running from Gaza to Beersheba to Masada — on the shore of the Salt Sea. Regions included are: Mount Carmel; Sharon Plain; Philistine Plain; Hill Countries of Manasseh, Ephraim, Benjamin, and Judah; the western side of the Jordan Valley; the western side of the Dead Sea ; and the Wilderness of Judah. Jerusalem is a separate sub category.
SOUTH = the area south of a line running from Gaza to Beersheba to Masada, on the shore of the Salt Sea. Regions included are: the Negev and the Arabah — south of the Dead Sea down to Elath on the Red Sea.
A comment on the name "Israel."
The images included under this "Israel" category are sites and regions located within the territory controlled by the state of Israel and the Palestinian Authority in 2003. Thus for example, both Old and New Testament Jericho are included in this category, even though the Palestinians control the former, while the Israelis currently control the latter. In addition, a site like Katzrin , located on the Golan Heights, is included in this "Israel" category, even though Syria previously controlled this area (for a period of time).
It is the hope of the content provider of this site that peace will soon come to the region, so that the Palestinians and Israelis may live within secure and recognized borders, in the heart of an open and flourishing region where different religions and cultures will live together in tolerance, peace and mutual cooperation.