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View looking south from the area of the Solomonic Gate toward the double wall that was attached to it. This wall guarded the Solomonic citadel.
The thickest portion of the wall — slightly left of the center of the image, 5 ft. [1.6 m] thick — runs away from the viewer to south. To the left of this wall is the area outside of the citadel. To the right of the wall are the open chambers of the casemates and to the right of them is the thinner — 4 ft. [1.2 m] thick — inner wall. In the upper right quadrant of the picture is a portion of the interior of the fortress.
For a map and a brief introduction to Hazor Click Here.
Image from the Zondervan Atlas of the Bible, p. 144. To view/use additional images from the Atlas Click Here.