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Mt. Philip and Mt. Thecla

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 Mt. Philip and Mt. Thecla
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View looking west from Konya towards the twin conical peaks of Mt. Philip (left, south) and Mt. Thecla (right, north). The road from Iconium to Pisidian Antioch – 100 mi. [165 km.] distant – heads off in this westerly direction.

It is said that the apostle Philip passed this way on his journey from Palestine to Hierapolis – where he eventually settled. Thecla, a follower of Paul, was originally from Iconium, and is said to have been miraculously saved from death by fire and then from wild beasts. She is said to have been commissioned by Paul as an evangelist.  She eventually settled in Antioch on the Orontes and there she died.

Paul and Barnabas ministered in Iconium for about three months before fleeing for their lives.

For a brief description of the significance of Iconium click here.