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In the Footsteps of the Apostles Tour - May 2025

In the Footsteps of The Apostles: Turkey AND Greece

You are invited to join our 18-day tour to Turkey and Greece that Mary and I are leading in response to those who have asked us to put together a “not for credit” study tour—April 28 – May 15, 2025.  I will be giving mini-lectures along the way both on the bus and on the sites, drawing from my studies and from the 30 trips that we have led to Turkey and Greece.  We will relate what we are seeing to the New Testament and the Early Christian Church.  Thus, it is not a mere tour, but a hands-on experience as we study the New Testament and its Greco-Roman background together!

Noteworthy!   We will visit all 7 churches mentioned in Revelation 1-3 and places where 15 of the 27 New Testament books were written to and/or from!  You will be amazed at what you will be learning along the way and May is perfect—not too hot and not too cold!

To receive additional information contact Dr. Rasmussen at

Turkey: Ephesus

Ephesus, one of the Seven Churches of Revelation 1–3.  We will visit Ephesus on our 18-day In the Footsteps of the Apostles tour—including all the places pictured here!  (April 28–May 16, 2025).  Email Dr. Rasmussen for a descriptive brochure.


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Although at certain periods in ancient times the Erechtheion was the most important temple on the acropolis, the larger and more prominent Parthenon came to dominate the terrain.

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