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Tri-Partite Temple 2

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Tri-Partite Temple 2
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A view looking southeast at the reconstructed foundations of Temple 2, one of the two tri-partite temples discovered at Tell Tayinat.  They date to the Iron II period (10th-6th centuries B.C.).  These temples are often compared to the tri-partite Solomon Temple in Jerusalem.

Using biblical terminology to describe this temple, left of center is a squarish inner room that could be comparable to the "Holy of Holies."  In the center of the image, with a doorway leading in and a doorway leading to the "Holy of Holies," is a rectangular room, comparable to the "Holy Place" that in the Solomonic Temple contained the incense altar, the table for Showbread, and the menoroth.  Beyond that, to the right of center, was the porch of the temple.and beyond that would have been the courtyard.

A picture of this after the Temple was reconstructed can be found Here.

Unfortunately, the structure has weathered considerably since then.   Possibly the earthquakes of February 2023 damaged it as well. This photo was taken in April 2024.