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Holy of Holies in Temple 2

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Holy of Holies in Temple 2
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A view looking east at the reconstructed foundations of the "Holy of Holies" of Temple 2, one of the two tri-partite temples found at Tell Tayinat.

Using biblical terminology to describe this temple, in the center of the image is a squarish inner room that could be comparable to the "Holy of Holies."  On the right side of the image, a doorway leads into the Holy of Holies from the "Holy Place " (fully visible Here).

In the "Holy of Holies," note the raised platform in the far corner covered with cloth to protect it from the elements.  Could this be where a statue of a deity was placed?  On the near side of the platform, a large cuneiform document called a Succession Treaty of Esarhaddon was found—broken, but with most of the pieces still in place.  The tablet measures 16 x 10 inches. It has since been reconstructed!  Esarhaddon ruled Assyria from 691 to 669 B.C.

Compare the deposit of the Covenant Document (aka "Treaty") between Yahweh and his people in the Sacred Room (devir) of the Tabernacle/Temple and in/beside the Ark of the Covenant (Exodus 40:20; Deuteronomy 31:26; 1 Kings 8:9).

A picture of this after the Temple was reconstructed can be found Here.

Unfortunately, the structure has weathered considerably since then.   Possibly the earthquakes of February 2023 damaged it as well. This photo was taken in April 2024.