Olive trees are very typical of Israel/Palestine for the climactic conditions there are very conducive to the growing of olives (average temperature ca. 58 degrees F [15 C.]. The tree grows to a height of 16 to 26 ft. [5 to 8 m.]. The olive was one of the three main crops of the Land of Canaan (Deut 7:13), the others being grain and grapes. The oil derived from the fruit was used for cooking, lighting, cleansing, anointing, soaps, etc. From Canaan/Israel it was exported to Egypt and to point all over the Mediterranean world.
The olive tree was an especially useful in Canaan/Israel for it can grow in poor shallow soil, and can endure extended droughts. In addition, olive trees can grow and produce fruit for over a thousand(!) years. It is said that olive trees are planted for one’s grandchildren.