221) | Pool Tower 2 Keywords: Cyclopean Stone Stones, Pool, Tower Towers, Middle Bronze II, Diagonal Tunnel, Water System Systems, Gihon, City of David, Shiloh, Shukron, Ronny Reich, Jerusalem, IJOTWSTP06 |
222) | Pool Tower 3 Keywords: Cyclopean Stone Stones, Pool, Tower Towers, Middle Bronze II, Diagonal Tunnel, Water System Systems, Gihon, City of David, Shiloh, Shukron, Ronny Reich, Jerusalem, IJOTWSTP09 |
223) | Pool Tower Rock Scarp Keywords: Cyclopean Stone Stones, Pool, Tower Towers, Middle Bronze II, Diagonal Tunnel, Water System Systems, Gihon, City of David, Shiloh, Shukron, Ronny Reich, Jerusalem, IJOTWSTP10 |
224) | Cyrus Cylinder Keywords: Cyrus Cylinder, Barrel Inscription Inscriptions, Cuneiform Text, Ezra, Babyon, Citadel, Jaffa Joppa Gate, Museum, Jerusalem, Israel, IJJGCTMU04 |
225) | Southern Pool 1 Keywords: Dam, Invalid, Pool Pools of Bethesda, John 5, Jesus, Jerusalem, Israel, IJOCATPB01 |
226) | Southern Pool 2 Keywords: Dam, Invalid, Pool Pools of Bethesda, John 5, Jesus, Jerusalem, Israel, IJOCATPB02 |
227) | Eastern Area Keywords: Dam, Invalid, Pool Pools of Bethesda, John 5, Jesus, Jerusalem, Israel, IJOCATPB03 |
228) | Western Steps Keywords: Dam, Invalid, Pool Pools of Bethesda, John 5, Jesus, Jerusalem, Israel, IJOCATPB05 |
229) | Damascus Gate (Detail) Keywords: Damascus Gate, Molten Lead, Crenelation Crenelations, Crenellation Crenellations, Merlon Merlons, Machicolation Machicolations, Gates, Suleiman the Magnificent, Ottoman, Old City, Jerusalem, Hill Country of Judah, Israel, Central |
230) | “David’s Tower” Keywords: David David’s Tower, Minaret, Joppa Jaffa Gate, Citadel Ancient, Gate, Gates, Suleiman the Magnificent, Ottoman, Old City, Jerusalem, Hill Country of Judah, Israel, Central |