251) | Artist's Illustration Keywords: Diagram, Illustration, Ronny Reich, Eli Shukrun, Shiloah Shiloach, Feast of Tabernacle Tabernacles, John 9, Pool of Siloam, Jesus, Blind Man, Jerusalem, New Testament, Central, Israel, IJNTPS25 |
252) | Diakonikon Keywords: Diakonickon, Diaconicon, Dominus Flevit, Jerusalem, IJNTMLDF44 |
253) | Diakonikon Mosaic Keywords: Diakonickon, Diaconicon, Greek, Inscription, Jerome Murphy-O'Connor, Dominus Flevit, Jerusalem, IJNTMLDF40 |
254) | Reception Room Keywords: Divan, Reception Room Hall, Mosaic Mosaics, Armenian Armenians, Church of Holy Sepulcher, Church of Holy Sepulchre, Jesus, Jerusalem, Israel, IJNTHSAR04 |
255) | Domes of Rock and Chain 2 Keywords: Dome of the Chain, Omar, Solomon's Temple, Solomon Temple, Herod's Temple, Herod Temple, Mosque, Dome of the Rock, Temple Mount, Haram esh-Sharif, Umayyad, Jerusalem. IJNTHRDR04, Jerusalem, Zondervan Atlas of the Bible, Carl Rasmussen, 244 |
256) | Dome of the Prophet Keywords: Dome of the Prophet, Qubbat al–Nabi, Ritmeyer, Ramadan, Prayer, Haram esh-Sharif, esh Sharif, Noble Sanctuary, Temple Mount, Jerusalem, IJHRLO10 |
257) | View from Above Keywords: Dominus Flevit, Barluzzi, Church, Mount of Olives, Jerusalem, IJNTMLDF05 |
258) | Dominus Flevit Keywords: Dominus Flevit, Barluzzi, Church, Mount of Olives, Jerusalem, IJNTMLDF17 |
259) | Detail of Roof Keywords: Dominus Flevit, Barluzzi, Church, Mount of Olives, Jerusalem, IJNTMLDF25 |
260) | Altar Mosaic Keywords: Dominus Flevit, Hen Chicks, Jesus, Mount of Olives, Jerusalem, IJNTMLDF20 |