581) | Caiaphas Ossuary Front Keywords: Joseph son of Caiaphas, Ossuary, Inscription, Aramaic, Israel Museum, Gilbert, Jerusalem, IJIM11 |
582) | West of Temple 1 Keywords: Josephus, West Western Hill, Model of New Testament City, Holy Land Hotel, Jerusalem, Central, Israel, IJNTMDWH61, Reinhold Buxbaum, IJNTMDWH61 |
583) | Western Hill to Temple Keywords: Josephus, West Western Hill, Model of New Testament City, Holy Land Hotel, Jerusalem, Central, Israel, IJNTMDWH62 |
584) | Spring Class at IHLS 1967 Keywords: JUC, Institute of Holy Land Studies, 1967, Class, Jerusalem University College, 1967War01 |
585) | Pilgrims in Procession 4 Keywords: JUC, Jerusalem University College, Student, Students, Palm Sunday, Triumphal Entry, Palm Branch, Palm Branches, Christian, Christians, Jesus, Jerusalem, Sunday, Mount of Olives, PPS0710 |
586) | Entrance to Biyar Aqueduct Keywords: Judith Hadley, Wadi Biyar, Solomon's Pools, Jerusalem Aqueducts, Bethlehem, Hill Country of Judah, ICHJJA04 |
587) | Ancient Wall 1 Keywords: Kathleen Kenyon, Wall, Water Gate, 1800, Jane Cahill, Yigal Yigael Shiloh, City of David, Ir, Picture, Image, PowerPoint, Photograph, Jerusalem, Israel, ISJRCDAN13 |
588) | Ancient Wall 2 Keywords: Kathleen Kenyon, Wall, Water Gate, 1800, Jane Cahill, Yigal Yigael Shiloh, City of David, Ir, Picture, Image, PowerPoint, Photograph, Jerusalem, Israel, ISJRCDAN14 |
589) | Reconstructed Tomb Repository Keywords: Ketef Hinnom, Repository, Tomb, Tombs, Hinnom Valley, Gabriel Barkay, Gabi, Saint Andrew's Church, Photograph, Image, Picture, PowerPoint, Jerusalem, IJOTITIT02 |
590) | Reconstructed Tomb Keywords: Ketef Hinnom, Tomb, Tombs, Hinnom Valley, Gabriel Barkay, Gabi, Saint Andrew's Church, Photograph, Image, Picture, PowerPoint, Jerusalem, IJOTITIT01 |