721) | Armenian Priests Keywords: Priest Priests, Liturgy, Armenian Armenians, Church of Holy Sepulcher, Church of Holy Sepulchre, Jesus, Jerusalem, Israel, IJNTHSAR08 |
722) | Proto Aeolic Capital 1 Keywords: Proto Aeolic Capital, Rockefeller Museum, Palestine Museum, East Jerusalem, Israel, IMG_0764 |
723) | Proto Aeolic Capital 2 Keywords: Proto Aeolic Capital, Rockefeller Museum, Palestine Museum, East Jerusalem, Israel, IMG_0765 |
724) | Qubbat Sulayman Keywords: Qubbat Sulayman, Ghawanima Minaret Minarets, Mosque, Antonia Fort Fortress, Temple Mount, Haram esh-Sharif, Jerusalem, IJNTHRNW02 |
725) | Queen of Sheba Keywords: Queen of Sheba, King Solomon, Painting, Ethiopian Ethiopians, Chapel Chapels, Church of Holy Sepulcher Sepulchre, Israel, Jerusalem, IJNTHSET03 |
726) | Greek Altar Keywords: reek Orthodox Altar, Calvary, Golgotha, Church of the Holy Sepulcher, Sepulchre, Jerusalem, Jesus, Israel, IJNTHSCL10 |
727) | el-Aqsa Entrance 2 Keywords: Reinhold Buxbaum, El–Aqsa El Aqsa Mosque & South, Masjid, Umayyad, Crusader, Temple Mount, Haram esh-Sharif, Jerusalem, Israel , IJNTHREA05 |
728) | Ritual Bath (Miqvah) Keywords: Ritual Bath, Miqvah, Miqveh, Mikveh, West Wall, Temple Mount, PowerPoint, Photograph, Image, Picture, Jerusalem, Israel, City Of David, IJCDPSPS16 |
729) | Road to Bethlehem Keywords: Road, Elias Monastery, Mary, Joseph, Bethlehem, Kathisma Church, Byzantine, Jerusalem, Israel, ICJKC15 |
730) | Rock Scarp Keywords: Rock Scarp, Stone Stones, Pool, Tower Towers, Middle Bronze II, Diagonal Tunnel, Water System Systems, Gihon, City of David, Shiloh, Shukron, Ronny Reich, Jerusalem, IJOTWSTP04 |