161) | Byzantine Jerusalem Keywords: Byzantine Map, Saint Peter in Gallicantu, Peter, Caiaphas, Cock, Crow, Jerusalem, IJNTMZSP23 |
162) | Interior General Keywords: Caliph Abd al-Malik, Umayyad, Golden Gate, Beautiful Gate, Umayyad, Crusader, Temple Mount, Haram esh-Sharif, Jerusalem, Israel, IJNTHRGG01 |
163) | El-Aqsa Mosque Keywords: Caliph Walid, el-Aqsa, Aqsa, Crusaders, Templar, Knights, Mosque, Night Journey, Jerusalem, Haram esh-Sharif, Temple Mount, Umayyad, Solomon Temple |
164) | El-Aqsa Mosque (Entrance) Keywords: Caliph Walid, el-Aqsa, Aqsa, Crusaders, Templar, Knights, Mosque, Night Journey, Jerusalem, Haram esh-Sharif, Temple Mount, Umayyad, Solomon Temple, Double Gate |
165) | el-Aqsa Entrance 1 Keywords: Caliph Walid, el-Aqsa, Aqsa, Crusaders, Templar, Knights, Mosque, Night Journey, Jerusalem, Haram esh-Sharif, Temple Mount, Umayyad, Solomon Temple, Double Gate, IJNTDR63 |
166) | El-Aqsa Mosque 2 Keywords: Caliph Walid, el-Aqsa, Aqsa, Crusaders, Templar, Knights, Mosque, Night Journey, Jerusalem, Haram esh-Sharif, Temple Mount, Umayyad, Solomon Temple, IJNTDR62, David Padfield |
167) | Calvary General Keywords: Calvary, Golgotha, Church of the Holy Sepulcher, Sepulchre, Jerusalem, Jesus, Israel, IJNTHSCL31 |
168) | Upper Room Capital Keywords: Capital, Pelican Pelicans, Charity, Upper Room, Last Supper, Day of Pentecost, Cenacle, Coenaculum, Jesus, Disciples, Mount Mt. Zion, Jerusalem, Israel, IJNTMZ11 |
169) | Dome Keywords: Catholicon, Dome, Pantokrator, Church of Holy Sepulcher, Church of Holy Sepulchre, Jesus, Greek Orthodox, Jerusalem, Israel, IJNTHSGC21 |
170) | Dome Detail Keywords: Catholicon, Dome, Pantokrator, Church of Holy Sepulcher, Church of Holy Sepulchre, Jesus, Greek Orthodox, Jerusalem, Israel, IJNTHSGC22 |