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Antioch Temple Plus

Antioch Temple Plus

This Section contains images of a very unique Temple and related items.

The Late Roman Temple in Antioch on the Orontes is located 0.1 miles east of the Hippodrome/Circus.

The temple is oriented north-south and has three entrances on the west, south, and east.  The outer perimeter of the Temple measures 350 x 233 feet. Only the foundations of the podium on which the temple building stood are preserve—to a height of 15 feet!  The foundation consists of two parallel walls—an inner and outer—built of opus caementicium (Roman concrete) with pebble stones and cement mortar.  There is a raised platform at its northern end.  Excavations of the structure began in 2008 and continue into the present.

For a convenient summary of the excavations through 2019 see: The Antiochepedia = Musings Upon Ancient Antioch [Blog] December 21, 2019 — "The 'Big' Temple and Recent Works Upon It [sic] Ruins" — http://libaniusredux.blogspot.com/2019/

The Temple was built in the Late Roman Period and was used in a variety of ways throughout the following centuries.