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Wall and Colonnade

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Wall and Colonnade
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View looking north along the colonnade (ptera) of the Late Roman Temple in Antioch on the Orontes.  Portions of the western foundation wall are visible from the right-hand edge of the image, tracking it diagonally to the left of the center of the image—behind the olive trees.

This is the outer foundation wall of the Temple Platform; it is preserved to a height of 15 feet!  It is built of opus caementicium (roman concrete) with pebble stones and cement mortar.

The barren brown area stretching across the image is the area where a colonnade (ptera) that had several rows of columns was located.  It seems to have stretched from the left row of olive trees to the row of olive trees on the right.

The outer perimeter of the Temple measures 350 x 233 feet, which is larger than the Parthenon in Athens (228 x 101 feet)!